Latino Welcome Weekend

- First weekend of the Fall semester every year, Est. '05
- Each year the Latino organizations and community coordinates a weekend of fun activities for new and returning Hispanic students. The first day is usually coordinated as a game night with lots of food, music, and giveaways. The second day is a pool party at the CRC, where there's entertainment, information on Latino organizations, music, and of course.... more FOOD!
- Make sure to stop by this year on August 21 & 22; details will be provided soon
Hispanic Heritage Month

- September 15 - October 15 every year
- To kick-off the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latino organizations coordinate a day to offer food, music, entertainment, games, and learning activities to our community. Throughout the month the various organizations offer other events that celebrate the Hispanic heritage.
- Look out for emails this semester with the calendar of events to come!

- Look out for more information
- Just like everyone else, LTA's love to go out and have fun too! Whether hosted by ourselves or with another organization we like to throw down some hot parties for our friends and fellow students. Check back soon for parties planned for this Fall!
Cookouts & Dessert Socials

- August 24th
East Campus Quad. 7pm
August 25th
East Campus Quad. 6pm - 9pm - We know everyone loves to hang out and eat FREE FOOD! We make sure to have cookouts or dessert socials every semester so that we can all take a break from studying, hang out, and eat!
- Make sure to come meet your Lovely Lambda Ladies and grab some food too!
Salute/Stroll Exhibition

- Look out for more information
- Gamma Omega invited sisters from Emory, Georgia State, and the University of Georgia to come and perform their salutes and strolls. Afterwards we had a special performance from the upcoming artist, Janelle Monae (, followed by a presentation of our line 1 solo.